La Giornata Internazionale del Volontariato (IVD), istituita dall'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite il 17 dicembre 1985 ogni 5 dicembre, è un'occasione per rendere omaggio ai volontari di tutto il mondo e per riconoscere il valore del volontariato nel promuovere la pace e lo sviluppo...

Quest’anno si celebra l’IVD riconoscendo il potere dell’azione collettiva, con lo slogan "Se tutti lo facessero"...

The History of IVD
1985: The United Nations General Assembly invited Governments to observe the International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development on 5 December annually (resolution 40/212 of 17 December 1985) and urged them to raise awareness of volunteer service so more people in all walks of life offer their services as volunteers, both at home and abroad.
1997: The General Assembly, in its resolution 52/17 of 20 November 1997, proclaimed 2001 as the International Year of Volunteers (IYV) to further recognize volunteers, facilitate their work, create a communication network and promote the benefits of voluntary service.
2001: The General Assembly adopted a set of recommendations on ways in which Governments and the United Nations system could support volunteering and asked that they be given wide dissemination (resolution 56/38 of 5 December 2001).
2002: The General Assembly, in its resolution 57/106 of 22 November 2002, called upon the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme to ensure that the potential of International Volunteer Day is fully realized.
2008: The General Assembly decided on 18 December 2008 that on or around 5 December 2011, two plenary meetings of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly should be devoted to the follow-up to the International Year of Volunteers and the commemoration of its tenth anniversary (resolution 63/153).
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International Volunteer Day 2023

5 dicembre. Giornata internazionale del volontariato per lo sviluppo economico e sociale Redazione POP.ACLI